Archiver pour June, 2013

Challenge Sea Soft Sun: A week of happiness between Soft Paris advisors!

parSoft Paris 10 Années auparavant
The winners of the Challenge Sea Soft Sun were able to celebrate their success as Soft Paris Advisors on a beautiful trip to Morrocco. Join the team for your chance to get rewarded for being your own boss.
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My Soft Paris Hen Party!

parSoft Paris 10 Années auparavant
Planning your hen party with Soft Paris will make you feel "Like a Virgin" as Sasha explains her Soft Party experience .
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Comment devenir vendeur à domicile : récit d'une ambassadrice Soft Paris

parSoft Paris 10 Années auparavant
Récit d'une ambassadrice Soft Paris qui explique les raisons qui l'ont poussées à devenir vendeur à domicile
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